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Drug Testing: What to Do and What not to Do

Written on 09 Jan 2015 at 05:34 pm

Most of the companies now a day have criteria of drug testing as a part of pre employment screening. It is mandatory in most of the companies for their employers to give a drug test. It is to create a better work place for employers by not hiring drug abusers. There are few things that a company should take care of, while taking drug tests.

The basic reason behind the drug testing is to create a working environment that is free from the people who are drug abusers. They tend to destroy the integrity of the working place. There are certain jobs where profile itself demands the people who are not drug users. It leads to clean and safe working conditions. We’ll first have look on what drug testing can involve.

  • Basic things that are involved in drug testing:

There are certain things that you need to know about pre employment drug testing. If you are applying for such jobs which ask you to give samples for drug testing then you can’t deny.

  • It is in the right of the companies to ask the candidates for drug test as far as the drug testing is under the law and is not destroying the privacy of the candidate.
  • The drug testing is for developing a more skilled and dedicated team of employees which stays away from illegal drugs. It is totally meant for the company’s sake.
  • If any candidate says ‘No’ to drug test then it will be considered as positive result and all the actions would be taken for that candidate, which will be taken for the candidates who fail the test.
  • If you are not given a notice before the drug test, then you can claim that the company violated the rights. As it is in rights of candidate to know about test before going for ant test.
  • Aspects that employers need to know about the drug testing laws:

There are certain things that the candidates need to know about the drug testing laws, so as to keep their safer side.

  • Employers are bound to give you a written notice before the test, about every detail of the test.
  • The test notice will be either given with the agreement letter, or can be given separately.
  • The employers need to have consent of the employees before taking the test, and this will be done by the sign of candidate on the test notice.
  • The notice should contain each and every detail related to the test, and also the medicines that might interfere with the details.
  • The privacy of the candidates should not be violated in any case. They should be given full privacy while collecting the sample.

Have all the precautions before test:

You can’t always trust on home remedies to clear a drug test. There are certain products that you might use depending on the kind of drug tests like Ultra cleanse shampoo, saliva detox etc. to clear a drug test. But always have a note of all the things that you can demand from employers.

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