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Hair Follicle Drug Test Marijuana

Written on 24 Jan 2013 at 06:39 pm

 Guide to the Hair Follicle Drug Test Marijuana

How to Beat Hair Follicle Drug Test Marijuana

Hair Follicle Drug Test Marijuana – The thought of the drug test marijuana causes concern for many people. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the United States, and it is also the drug that will stay in your system for days, weeks, or even a full month after the last time you smoked it. It is a well known fact that marijuana is one of the least dangerous drugs out there, but it is also the one that is most likely to cause you to fail a drug test.

Hair Follicle Drug Test Marijuana – The hair follicle drug test for Marijuana is one of the most dreaded drug tests out there, because your body stores THC in the hair follicles. With a hair follicle test, a sample of 40-50 hairs is taken from your scalp, and depending upon the length of the sample taken, it is possible that marijuana usage could be detected up to two years from the last time you smoked. Here are some products that will help you pass a hair follicle test. However, in general, most hair follicle drug tests are only going to test the most recent 1.5 inches of growth.
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A hair follicle drug test marijuana is more expensive than other testing methods, but it is also considered the most accurate method of testing for some drugs, and it can be used to detect the use of drugs over a longer period of time. The follicle test is used to detect the presence of marijuana by looking for THC metabolites that have been deposited in the hair shaft through the bloodstream. However, there is some controversy over the use of the hair follicle test to test for marijuana.

First and foremost, there is a growing number of individuals who believe that the hair follicles drug test marijuana is biased against minorities, such as African Americans and Hispanics, and older individuals. The THC metabolites that are found in marijuana bind more easily to those with darker colored hair, and gray hairs do not pick up as many metabolites as other hair colors.

There is also some debate as to how effective a hair follicle drug test for marijuana actually is. Medical and scientific studies have shown that THC metabolites do not bind to hair as well as other drug metabolites, like those found in cocaine. Recent research has also indicated that exposure to high humidity will rapidly break down marijuana metabolite levels in the hair of heavier smokers, increasing the likelihood of a negative result.

The use and validity of the hair follicle drug test is currently being challenged in the Federal court system, and it is certainly going to be interesting to see the outcome of these court cases. In the meantime, if you are worried about passing your upcoming follicle drug test marijuana, make sure you browse through our website to find everything you need to successfully pass your upcoming test.

Ultra Cleanse Hair Follicle Shampoo

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