How to Pass a Drug Test -Successful Ways Of Passing A Hair Drug TestHow to Pass a Drug Test
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Successful Ways Of Passing A Hair Drug Test

Written on 17 Dec 2014 at 12:47 am

Why a hair drug test is popular

Why passing a hair drug test? Of the several types of drug testing methods employed by law enforcement authorities and other institutions, the oral drug test and the hair follicle drug test are the most popular. Even though oral drug test are even more preferred as compared to a hair test, students often find ways how to pass a mouth swab drug test since oral test can be manipulated by “cleaning” the mouth with certain masking agents just before the test. Despite the fact that the option of using a hair drug test to check whether a person is consuming banned substances is becoming more and more popular by the day, it remains one of the most flawed options as far as reliable drug testing is concerned. The method works by detecting the presence of drug metabolites present in a person’s body. In a hair drug test, testing is carried out by taking a sample of hair that is just one-and-a-half-inch long, and treating it with certain chemicals to check whether metabolites of an illegal substance are present in it. The method supposedly guarantees to detect the consumption of a particular drug within the past three months. The hair follicle drug test, as it is commonly referred to as, is more popular because it is easy to carry out. For the law enforcement authorities it presents a way of carrying out a drug test that is least manipulative, since the person being tested does not have opportunities to tamper with the test sample, or manipulate it in some way to change the results of the drug test.

What if you are bald or have shaved off your hair?

For individuals with very short hair, balding persons, or those who have shaved their hair, tests can be carried out by taking a sample of hair from any other body part. Very few individuals have totally no hair on their body and they cannot be tested using a hair follicle test.


How to test negative in a hair drug test

As per a recent high court amendment drug testing can be officially carried out in schools. Many schools have adopted various drug-testing methods to test the students for possible drug consumptions. For students habitual to drug abuse, these tests often prove to be an ordeal. Students often resort to home remedies and try to find ways how to pass hair drug test to save money. The remedies are many, but they don’t offer a guaranteed way to mask the presence of metabolites, and so they generally fail.


If you are in a hurry, and searching for ways how to pass a drug test in 24 hours you might be running out of home remedy options which can work that quickly. It’s worth thinking about other options if such is the case.


  • Using the Supreme Klean Ultra Cleanse shampoo

If you are concerned with how to pass a hair follicle drug test in school and you don’t have a very big budget to do it, the Supreme Klean Ultra Cleanse shampoo offers a guaranteed way of clearing your hair test. It does not contain any chemical substances which can put you at risk. It is fairly safe. Of over hundreds of over-the-counter-medications, this shampoo offers a much better chance of testing negative in your drug test.


  • Accuracy of testing negative in the drug test

Most other similar shampoos offering reliable solutions and advice how to pass a drug test in a day are generally not that effective and do not offer guaranteed results. That is not the case with Supreme Klean Ultra Cleanse shampoo. Even if you have consumed an illegal substance in the last 24 hours, or are a habitual drug abuser, the shampoo still guarantees to work effectively provided you use it in the correct manner. Only 2% of individuals using the shampoo test positive in a hair drug test, and that too because they have failed to use the shampoo correctly as per instructions.

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