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Urine Drug Testing Products

6-Panel Drug Test ($13.95)

6-Panel Drug Test

The 6 Panel Drug Test Kit is a simple and affordable way of testing yourself for:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine / amphetamines
  • Opiates
  • Benzodiazepine
  • Oxycodone
Using this remarkable new 6 Panel drug testing kit, you can make that your system is free of all toxins and go to take the actual drug test with confidence.


NEW! Test yourself with our 6-Panel Urine Drug Test!

A brand new product to drug test for marijuana (THC) & other drugs

  1. Simple one-step drug test
  2. Accurately detects five drug metabolites, including marijuana
  3. Reliable results within minutes
  4. Simultaneously tests for THC (marijuana), cocaine, methamphetamines, benzos, and opiates
  5. Conforms to NIDA/SAMHSA approved guidelines
  6. Extremely easy to use and very cost effective


You asked for an easy, affordable "upgrade" to the popular single panel  and 5-panel marijuana THC home drug test kits, and delivered! The Six Panel Test Kit is a great product for detecting marijuana THC in urine, plus this kit will test for five other drug metabolites -- cocaine, methamphetamines / amphetamines, opiates, benzos, oxycodone and other types of opiod pain meds.